Launch Thalento® CUBES Competency Suite
The latest development of Thalento® is a unique and revolutionary Cloud based Competency Framework.
The CUBES Framework is a dynamic competency solution, with an integrated Competency Profiler, enabling you to compose competency profiles, an automated e-Assessments Cloud, that drives the integrated assessment of competencies and finally a direct integration of the 360° Periscope. The automatic link to the Thalento® e-Assessments makes CUBES unique.
The CUBES Competency Model consists of 52 competencies, grouped into 6 clusters: Management, Information Processing, Communication, Effectivity, Interaction & Personal Competencies.
CUBES is a truly unique combination that enables you to compile, test, survey and manage competencies in an efficient and integrated manner. CUBES is the ideal & cost effective solutions for everyone working with or looking to work with competencies.
Together with the CUBES Competency Suite, Thalento® launched the 360° Periscope; a fully integrated, competency based 360° survey.