
Measure the capability to perform specific tasks.

An ability is an acquired skill that enables the participant to execute certain tasks. We offer a series of Ability Tests and Knowledge Tests to identify the acquired expertise of participants and determine the ability of the participant to perform specific tasks to a specific degree.

Our Ability Assessments measure the following abilities:


PNO Test (Planning & Organisation)

The PNO Test inventorises the Planning and Organisation Abilities. The test analyses to which degree a person has the ability to manage the diversity of data, which strategy is developed and how criteria such as weight, distance and timing are integrated in the reflection process.

The result is a valid indication of the degree in which a participant understands various data and will act in professional situations that require a considerable knowledge of planning and organising.



SNA Test (Speed & Accuracy)

The SNA Test inventorises the Speed & Accuracy Abilities of people. The test analyses the ability of the participant to process data with a certain degree of speed and accuracy. The test is developed to measure the ability of the participant to verify data quickly and accurately.  

The result is a reliable indication of the degree in which the participant has the ability to perform tasks/roles that require a basic control and classification of activities. 




The Data-Control test measures the Control and Classification Abilities of an individual.

The test analyses the ability of the participant to control unstructured data and classify it in the requested manner. The test is developed to measure the ability of the participant to verify data quickly and accurately.  

The result is a reliable indication of the degree of the participant’s ability to perform tasks/roles that require a basic control and classification ability. 


Suited for administrative and internal sales positions, and all functions where data has to be checked and filed in an efficient way. The Data-Control Test is suited for all educational levels.

The Data-Control Test is currently available in Dutch, French and English.



Commercial Skills

Commercial Skills Test measures to what extent a participant responds effectively, avoids or takes initiative in social and commercial situations.

The test analyses the ability of the participant to react and develop initiative in given social settings.

The result is a reliable indication of the degree in which the participant has the ability to engage and perform in business and social situations, how they respond, avoid or take action is these situations.


Suited for all internal & external commercial positions, such as sales, customer support, inside sales, etc. The Commercial Skills Test is ideal to inventorise business skills on all educational levels.

Commercial Skills is currently available in Dutch, French and English.




The Values Test maps the professional values that are important to an individual. The test measures the 14 primary professional values & 6 drivers of a participant and classifies their importance. All mapped values & drivers are explained in the report.

The result is an indication of the Company Value Fit. It is a reliable indication of the ideals the individual finds important and most likely will pursue in professional and private life.


Suited for all types of positions and educational levels. It is primarily used for all recruitment & selection, reviews, coaching and career counselling situations.

Values is currently available in Dutch, French and English.



Negotiating Styles

Negotiating Styles inventorises the manner in which the participant handles conflict and negotiations. The test is designed to measure the preferred behaviour of an individual when dealing with conflict.

The result is a reliable indication of the degree in which the participant has developed the ability to manage situations that require negotiation skills and the preferred negotiation style of the participant. The level of the scores indicate the preferred style and are an indication for the organisational fit.


Suited for functions where negotiations are often part of the daily professional routine, such as all sales positions, purchasing and managerial positions. Negotiating Styles is suitable for all educational levels.

Negotiating Styles is currently available in Dutch, French and English.




The Numbers-Check Test is a concentration test that measures the individual’s ability to check and control data in various situations. The test measures how quickly a participant can check numbers & figures and make simple calculations in an efficient and accurate way.

The result is a reliable indication of the ability to efficiently and effectively check numbers while making basic calculations.


It is suited for positions that require people to work with numbers and figures and who need to make decisions based on simple calculations, e.g. administrative and finance positions, payroll consultants, accountants, people in the logistics sector when making an inventory or checking labels. Numbers-Check is suited for all educational levels.

The Numbers-Check test is currently available in Dutch, French and English.





All Ability Tests have a specific and detailed report, that provides a complete overview of the findings.