
Behavioural assessments predict how people work together and match to their jobs


How people work together, how managers lead teams or how people strive to meet objectives can be measured with Behavioural Assessments. The ability to overcome setbacks, or address problems and challenges—is linked to future job performance.

Behavioural assessments, designed with our CUBES Competency Framework, identify people with the potential to succeed and will filter out less suitable candidates on the basis of required behaviours.

Our Behavioural Assessments can be equipped with to the point development advice. They provide an engaging experience for the candidate that reinforces your brand and image.

We offer the following behavioural assessments.


CUBES Competencies


Our CUBES Competency Framework consists of 52 Competencies, with each competency described in detail in 5 levels. It’s fully adaptable to your requirements and integrates our Personality & Motivation Assessments to determine  the professional functioning and the preferred behaviour style.

Competencies made easy

  • Detailed reports with behavioural indicators

  • Add requirements to match results

  • Integrate TeamView to compare new hires




The Thalento® I-Rater is a self-rating questionnaire. Based on the CUBES Competency Framework the I-Rater rates 52 competencies from the participant's perspective.

The I-Rater is user-friendly and intuitive

  1. Compose the competency profile you want to rate

  2. Invite participants

  3. Consult the Report



360° Periscope

The Thalento® 360° Periscope is a multi-Rater 360° survey based on the CUBES Competency Framework. The ideal way to rate performance, competencies, behaviour style and functional traits. The CUBES Competency Framework and the survey questions can be tailored to match your needs.

The result is detailed in a comprehensive and detailed 360° Report.




ThalentMe is the ideal solution for checking in with your employees. It gives your people the opportunity to discover their unique talents in an accessible way, but also to map out their growth potential. This solution start from the individual and the accompanying development tips allow them to further develop their competencies on their own.

More information is available here.


