Thalento® Cloud Update – June 2020


Winston Churchill said: “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”

This TH-Cloud Update was initially planned for October 2020, but the COVID pandemic thought otherwise.

So, we decided to bring forward a number of planned upgrades. We didn’t sit still during the lockdown. We are now proud to inform you about the details of our update.

What is this upgrade about?

  • Firstly there is the optimisation of the validity & reliability of all our solutions

  • Updating & expansion of the different norm groups

  • Launch of some new norm groups

  • Updating of our Technical Manuals

  • Migration to new Kubernetes server structure

  • Implementation of the highest possible security layer

Want to know more? Check it out here.


Never let a good crisis go to waste


We took this to heart and moved up our timeline.

On average, assessments companies update the norm groups of their solutions & tools every 10 to 15 years. At Thalento® we find this far too long in our rapidly changing world. That’s why we implemented our improvements much faster than the market standards.

We are proud to present an update of nearly all norm groups and the introduction of a series of new norm groups. Several of our assessments & tools were analysed in terms of their validation & reliability scores. Based on extensive and in-depth statistical analyses by our R&D department, we adapted and improved where needed.


Personality & Motivation Assessments (TH-PQ)


Our R&D department conducted an analysis of our collected norm data from 2016 to 2020. We adapted several norm groups using balanced data sets and added new norm groups to the Thalento® Cloud. Our brand new and adapted norm groups are available for a broad selection of countries and reference groups.

A full revision and evaluation of the Personality & Motivation Assessments resulted in an updated validation and reliability methodology.

The following selection of norm groups is new and now available for our Personality & Motivation Assessments:

  • Brazil - general

  • China - general

  • Greece - general

  • International - general (global)

  • Kazakhstan - general

  • Mexico - general

  • Thailand - general

The following existing norm groups were updated:

  • Austria - general

  • Belgium - bachelor

  • Belgium - expert

  • Belgium - Flanders

  • Belgium - general

  • Belgium - manager

  • Belgium - master

  • Belgium - operational

  • Belgium - sales

  • Belgium - secondary

  • Belgium - Wallonia

  • Czech Republic - general

  • Denmark - general

  • Europe - general

  • France - general

  • Germany - general

  • Italy - general

  • Norway - general

  • Poland - general

  • Portugal - general

  • Russian Federation - general

  • Slovak Republic - general

  • Spain - general

  • Sweden - general

  • Switzerland - general

  • The Netherlands - general

  • Turkey - expert

  • Turkey - general

  • Turkey - manager

  • Turkey - operational

  • Turkey - sales

  • United Kingdom - general

  • United States - general


Cognitive Tests (SCOPE - S - A - Test)


All Cognitive Tests have been analysed and evaluated in terms of validation and performance. On the basis of this statistical research we adapted where needed. Such as an update of the difficulty composition of all Cognitive Tests. This resulted in re-organising exercises of all items in the SCOPE, S and A-Test. We also reduced the number of items in the S-Test from 30 to 25 items.

We also performed an analysis on our collected cognitive norm data from 2018 to 2020. We adapted the existing norm groups by using balanced data sets and launched several new ones, expanding our broad range of reference groups with:

  • Brazil - general

  • Europe (general, secondary, bachelor, master)

  • International (general, secondary, bachelor, master)

  • Kazakhstan - general

  • Mexico - general

  • Poland - general

The following existing norm groups were updated:

  • Austria - general

  • Belgium - general - rev.2018

  • Belgium - bachelor

  • Belgium - general

  • Belgium - master

  • Belgium - secondary

  • Czech Republic - general

  • Denmark - general

  • France - general

  • Germany - general

  • Italy - general

  • Norway - general

  • Portugal - general

  • Russian Federation - general

  • Slovak Republic - general

  • Spain - general

  • Sweden - general

  • Switzerland - general

  • The Netherlands - bachelor

  • The Netherlands - master

  • The Netherlands - secondary

  • The Netherlands - general

  • Turkey - general

  • United Kingdom - general

  • United States - general


SNA Ability Test (Speed & Accuracy)


We conducted an analysis to update these norm groups. By using balanced data from 2016 to 2020 we adapted the existing ones. New norm groups were also added to our Speed & Accuracy Tests (SNA):

  • Brazil - general

  • Europe (general, secondary, bachelor, master)

  • International (general, secondary, bachelor, master)

  • Kazakhstan - general

  • Mexico - general

  • Poland - general

The following existing norm groups were updated:

  • Austria - general

  • Belgium - general - rev.2018

  • Belgium - bachelor

  • Belgium - general

  • Belgium - master

  • Belgium - secondary

  • Czech Republic - general

  • Denmark - general

  • France - general

  • Germany - general

  • Italy - general

  • Norway - general

  • Portugal - general

  • Russian Federation - general

  • Slovak Republic - general

  • Spain - general

  • Sweden - general

  • Switzerland - general

  • The Netherlands - bachelor

  • The Netherlands - master

  • The Netherlands - secondary

  • The Netherlands - general

  • Turkey - general

  • United Kingdom - general

  • United States - general


Kubernetes server structure


Thalento® Cloud went to the next level in terms of the orchestration system.

We moved to a new state-of-the-art technology with a reliable cloud environment and enhanced security features. This upgrade improved the back office of your TH-Cloud, making it faster and safer to use.

Don’t worry, this didn’t change the way our platform works for you.



All Technical Manuals will be available in the ‘Library’ on Thalento® Cloud from July 1st 2020.

Any questions? Just reach out via

Jeffrey Excelmans