ThalentMe; a brand new solution for your current workforce

ThalentMe; a brand new solution for your current workforce

After more than a year of working from home, lockdowns and an accelerated digital shift towards the 'new normal'. Thalento® brings, for the first time, a solution aimed at your current workforce.

As an organisation you are probably already aware that your employees have faced many challenges in the past year, they may have changed their priorities or questioned their motivation.

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ThalentMe is the right solution to check in with your employees. It gives them the opportunity to discover their unique talents in an accessible way and also to map their growth potential. In addition to providing insights and the opportunity to better understand your employees, the accompanying development tips enable them to further develop their competencies on their own and also with your support.

ThalentMe is a scientifically founded solution generated from the Thalento® Personality & Motivation Assessment. Based on the Big Five-model.

This solution starts from the individual and shows Top Skills, Potential and Challenges in an accessible report. Share the results directly with your employees or managers, to support their personal development or performance discussions.

Would you like to know more? Go to our landing page! (only available in Dutch)

Jeffrey Excelmans